iScript™ IV One-Step RT-PCR Kit contains all necessary reagents for both reverse transcription and PCR amplification to occur in a single reaction tube. RT-PCR Enzyme Mix (10X) contains iScript™ IV Reverse Transcriptase (RT), Hot-Start Taq DNA Polymerase and RNase Inhibitor for highly sensitive and specific RT-PCR using any RNA template. Our proprietary RT-PCR Reaction Mix (5X) contains stabilizers and enhancers that optimize the two reactions in a “single step”. Together with a specially formulated RT-PCR Reaction Mix, this One-Step RT-PCR Kit offers the end-users an efficient and reliable alternative to conventional “two-step” sequential RT-PCR.
- Gene-expression analysis.
- Transcription analysis.
- Gene cloning.
- Virus detection and quantification.
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